CloudFront Deployment (NPM Package)
  • 29 Jul 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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CloudFront Deployment (NPM Package)

  • Dark

Article summary

Instead of managing your AWS routes through Darwinium, Darwinium may also deploy to a static, route independent Node.JS package that may be installed through NPM.

CommonJS is Not Supported

Darwinium requires Top Level Await, which is currently only supported by ES Modules.

Attempting to call darwiniumInit() function in your request handler will not only be subject it to a more aggressive timeout, but will run also far slower because of nuances in AWS scheduling.

Add Darwinium Package to Your Lambda

Darwinium provides libraries that can be implemented as part of your lambda project. To access these, you will require an SDK token.
To access these libraries in the @darwinium scope, you will need to append your ~/.npmrc (or yarnrc if you are using yarn):

cat <<EOF >> ~/.npmrc
//`echo -n '<your darwinium email>:<your SDK token>' | base64`
  • Replace <your darwinium email> with your Darwinium email (eg
  • Replace <your SDK token> with your SDK Token

Then, add Darwinium's Cloudfront worker package to your OriginRequest lambda project by using npm install or by manually appending it to your projects package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "@darwinium/dwn_cloudfront_worker": "^0.9.0"

Create a New Deployment Target

Create a new target using the + Add Target button inside Admin -> Nodes -> Settings -> Edge Deployment.
image 16.png

Select AWS Cloudfront (NPM) as the CDN vendor.

Initialize Darwinium

Darwinium will self-configure by loading its dynamic configuration on cold start. It requires top-level await, available in Node 18 and above (all runtimes below Node 18 have been deprecated by AWS as of June 2024).
The configuration loaded is stored within the CloudFront edge cache itself and is loaded direct to memory from a single stream to ensure cold start time is as fast as possible.

The exact parameters to darwiniumInit() are unique for each deployment target and may be copied from the Edge Deployment UI above.

import { darwiniumInit, darwiniumOriginRequestEventHandler } from "@darwinium/dwn_cloudfront_worker";

await darwiniumInit({
  apiToken:   "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  instanceId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Call Request Handler Function

The darwiniumOriginRequestEventHandler should be called at the very top of your OriginRequest lambda. It takes the same arguments of a standard CloudFrontRequestHandler and performs all functionality to protect this route.

export const handler: AWSLambda.CloudFrontRequestHandler = (
  event: AWSLambda.CloudFrontRequestEvent,
  context: AWSLambda.Context,
  callback: AWSLambda.Callback<AWSLambda.CloudFrontRequestResult>,
) => {
  if (darwiniumOriginRequestEventHandler(
        (result: DarwiniumResultRequest | DarwiniumResultResponse | undefined) => {
        callback(null, darwiniumRequestResponseToCloudFront(result, request));
        })) {
    // In this situation, Darwinium is performing a loopback and the worker should not run additional code.
  // Your existing Origin Request Functionality can run here, asynchronously to Darwinium or after it.

The Request Handler function returns a boolean value.
Returning true signifies that the Darwinium edge module requires access to the response and intends to loop-back into the CDN. It will asynchronously invoke the passed callback with the response it receives from re-invoking this route.
No further processing should be done inside this invocation of the request handler and callback should not be called within this invocation.
When this route is re-invoked, the origin-request lambda will be executed again immediately, allowing your own code to run immediately after and ensuring all logic is run exactly one.

Returning false signifies that the Darwinium edge module either does not require access to the response, or that it is running within the invocation of OriginResponse inside the loopback. In this situation, the callback passed in will not be invoked and the caller is responsible for invoking it.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 2.46.27 PM.png

API Reference

Function: darwiniumInit()

darwiniumInit(initOption): Promise<void>

Load Dynamic configuration from cloudflare edge cache.
This should be called once only and always from the top level scope, not within a callback.


initOption: InitOption

Initialization options taken from Darwinium's portal. This connects a worker to a set of dynamic configurations.


Function: darwiniumOriginRequestEventHandler()

darwiniumOriginRequestEventHandler(event, context, callback): boolean


event: CloudFrontRequestEvent

Event from Lambda at Edge event handler

context: Context

Context from Lambda at Edge event handler

callback: DarwiniumCallback

Asynchronous callback to return result.



True if Darwinium is performing a loopback, that is re-invoking the same path inline in order to examine the response body; in this situation, since this lambda will run again, it is best to not run other logic in this event handler. False in all other cases.

Function: darwiniumRequestResponseToCloudFront()

darwiniumRequestResponseToCloudFront(result, request): CloudFrontResultResponse | CloudFrontRequest


result: DarwiniumResultResponse|DarwiniumResultRequest

result from darwinium callback.

request: CloudFrontRequest

request object from event handler


CloudFrontResultResponse | CloudFrontRequest

request or response to be passed to event callback or returned from async event handler function.

Function: applyDarwiniumRequestToCloudFront()

applyDarwiniumRequestToCloudFront(dwnRequest, cfRequest): CloudFrontRequest


dwnRequest: DarwiniumResultRequest

request results from Darwinium to be applied

cfRequest: CloudFrontRequest

request object from event handler to be modified



request to be passed to event callback or returned from async event handler function.

Function: darwiniumResponseToCloudFront()

darwiniumResponseToCloudFront(dwnResponse): CloudFrontResultResponse


dwnResponse: DarwiniumResultResponse

response received inside Darwinium Callback



response to be passed to event callback or returned from async event handler function.

Function: applyModifiedHeaders()

applyModifiedHeaders(dwnHeaders, cfHeaders): CloudFrontHeaders


dwnHeaders: DarwiniumModifiedHeader[]

Instructions to modify header

cfHeaders: CloudFrontHeaders

Original headers from cloudfront handler, will be modified according to dwnHeaders



modified headers

Function: applySetCookies()

applySetCookies(dwnCookies, cfHeaders): CloudFrontHeaders


dwnCookies: DarwiniumSetCookie[]

Instructions to add cookies

cfHeaders: CloudFrontHeaders

Original headers from cloudfront handler, will be modified according to dwnCookies



modified headers

Type Alias: DarwiniumCallback()

DarwiniumCallback: (result) => void

Callback to be passed to darwiniumOriginRequestEventHandler
This may return either a DarwiniumResultRequest (continue to origin)
alternatively it may return a DarwiniumResultResponse which is a direct respose to the caller without calling origin.


result: DarwiniumResultRequest | DarwiniumResultResponse | undefined



Type Alias: InitOption

InitOption: object

Initialization options taken from Darwinium's portal. This connects a worker to a set of dynamic configurations.

Type declaration


apiToken: string

Api token from portal


instanceId: string

Instance ID from portal

Type Alias: DarwiniumBody

DarwiniumBody: object

Instructions to send or overwrite a body for request or response

Type declaration


data: string

Data to return


encoding: "base64" | "text"

Encoding of data (for setting CloudFrontRequest.body.encoding and CloudFrontResultResponse.bodyEncoding) )

Type Alias: DarwiniumModifiedHeader

DarwiniumModifiedHeader: object

Instructions for modifying headers in a request or a response

When fields are populated, please refer to this table to see what sort of an operation it is:
oldValue newValue operation
string null deletion
null string adding
string string modification


name: string

The name of a header to modify.
This may be mixed case. Please be sure to lowercase it before looking into aws-lambda#CloudFrontHeaders.


newValue: string | null

When not null, this signifies to add or modify a header to this value


oldValue: string | null

When not null, this signifies to remove or replace a header with this existing value

Type Alias: DarwiniumResultRequest

DarwiniumResultRequest: object

Instructions to modify request that is forwarded to origin

Type declaration


optional requestBody: DarwiniumBody

Instructions to overwrite request body if applicable


optional requestHeaders: DarwiniumModifiedHeader[]

Instructions to modify headers of request if applicable


optional requestQuerystring: string

The query string to modify aws-lambda#CloudFrontRequest.querystring to.


optional requestUri: string

The URI to modify CloudFrontRequest.uri to.

Type Alias: DarwiniumResultResponse

DarwiniumResultResponse: object

Instructions to directly return a result from lambda without forwarding to origin OR the results of a "loopback" operation.


optional response: DarwiniumResponse

Instructions to overwrite response body if applicable


optional responseCookies: DarwiniumSetCookie[]

Instructions to set new cookies if applicable


optional responseHeaders: DarwiniumModifiedHeader[]

Instructions to modify headers of response if applicable

Type Alias: DarwiniumResponseStatus

DarwiniumResponseStatus: object

Instructions to set status when directly responding.

Type declaration


code: number

Numeric HTTP status code to return (e.g. )

This is intended to use in CloudFrontResultResponse.status




description: string

Human readable HTTP status to return

This is intended to use in CloudFrontResultResponse.statusDescription


"File Not Found"

Type Alias: DarwiniumSetCookie

DarwiniumSetCookie: object

Instructions to add a cookie to request or response.


let for_this_header = "Set-Cookie: dwn-journey=30043ada-c03e-421e-988a-50ed41e14617;; Secure; HttpOnly";

let this_will_be_returned: DarwiniumSetCookie = {
   name: "dwn-journey",
   value: "3043ada-c03e-421e-988a-50ed41e14617",
   attributes: "; Secure; HttpOnly"

Type declaration


optional attributes: string

Attributes to send on set-cookie


"; Secure; HttpOnly"


name: string

Name of cookie to set




value: string

Value of cookie to set



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